Jun 22, 2010

"The Texas Ball Did It"

This morning we somehow managed to sleep until 8:20, which would have been a great thing if we didn't have to be at gymnastics at 9. Luckily Cade LOVES gymnastics and was all about getting out the door.  I'm proud to say we made it and had 5 minutes to spare! Go Mom Go!
Cade did great in class. I watched from the upstairs viewing area as instructed by Cade himself.  Today they worked on the balance bean, roll overs, hand stands and of course their "tah-dah!"  Today I realized that Cade's little buddy (Kade) from church is our class....so happy he has a friend there!

During rest time Cade and I were watching Toy Story One. We came to the part where Buzz was being chased by a runaway globe and gets knocked out of the window and into the neighbor's yard. I asked Cade if he knew what had just happened to Buzz and he says, "the Texas ball did it!"

Lately whenever my mom watches Cade he'll pull out her United States puzzle that has way too many small pieces that some how all manage to not get lost. Cade can point to Texas, Florida, California, Oklahoma, and a few others. He also has quite an ear when it comes to announcements or ads on the radio/tv that mention a state's name, "they just said California!"  I'm pretty impressed.

Tomorrow is Kid's Day at our church. I'm looking forward to meeting up with a few of the members and of course letting Cade wear himself out enough to take a nap....he is holding out on me! No naps make for a long day... but we some how manage to make it to bedtime with little to no tantrums.

---  food/recipe update--

The VOO (vegan overnight oats) I made last night were super yummy! Sweet and creamy!

Tempeh enchiladas had a very unusual texture- but were good.  Travis actually ate 2 to my 1.  I guess he was a fan!

Tomorrow will be Eggplant Parmesan with fresh corn on the cob.  

Happy Birthday Mom!!