Cade had a great Christmas.....once he had his juice cup and actually came to see what Santa had left. He eventually did wonder over to our front room and see that there were indeed toys left but it wasn't until he put his cup down that he actually saw what was there..... silly little boy!
He ended up getting quite a few things- a home depot work bench, a farm animal set, new wooden blocks, and a new bike. The Grandparents and the rest of the family did their part in spoiling him too... lots of clothes, books, a tricycle and hot wheels....even a remote control car that is supposedly safe (for the house). haha.
Dec 26, 2009
"I'm on the good list"-- Cade
Posted by tara leann 2 comments
Dec 22, 2009
10 on Tuesday
1. Cade seriously needs a haircut!
2. We had a mini Christmas party at our house this morning. We baked and decorated sugar cookies and them we even constructed a gingerbread house!
3. My dad is doing well after his heart procedure this morning. His heart fell out of rhythm a few weeks ago. The doctors were able to shock back into rhythm with electrical pads... one shock did the trick. Thank the Lord.
4. I've almost got everything wrapped for Christmas. I need to still get stocking stuffers for Travis and one more little thing for Cade and then I'm done.
5. I love Christmas. I love the lights. I love the music-with exception to a few songs/performers. I love being with my family and I love, LOVE, Love my tree.
6. Travis and I are having a date night tonight. We're going all out..... beer and tunes after Cade goes down. Might be fun... and like old times.
7. This past weekend Cade and I went to Fredericksburg to see Gigi! We had fun looking at her tree, opening presents and touring downtown at night. The lights are so pretty on Main Street. I love the old town feel of Fredericksburg-- it feels like home to me!
8. I had dinner with my good friends Paul and Stuart while I was in Austin. We had some good laughs at the table- especially about "as seen on tv gifts". All I know is that I LOVE my Snuggie.
9. I'm going to be sad in 3 days when Christmas is over and my decorations will come down soon after.... boo.
10. Merry Christmas to my dear friends and family.
Posted by tara leann 0 comments