Sep 21, 2009


So I'm a little behind on all of the happenings going on with our lives.

Travis and I joined a new church this past weekend- Northside Christian Church. It's the perfect fit for both of us. Cade loves it and we've already met some wonderful friends.

Cade is on his way to being fully potty trained. He hasn't started being verbal about telling us he needs to go but he will usually go when I ask him to. We're still wet when we wake up but we're not as wet as we used to be.

I'm super excited that all of the fall shows are starting. Looking forward to GREY'S, Desperate Housewives, and DWTS. Those are must sees every week.

School is going great. I love, LOVE, love the kids. It's going to be a great year with this bunch.

Wednesday is the big day for my friend Susan- she's delivering her twins! Hudson and Luke will arrive around noon! We're praying for Susan and Brandon as they enter a new chapter in their lives together.

I finally bought some new curtains for the living room. I went with a soft green-- on the lime side. I am a "red" accent kind of person but have just got burnt out on it...I came across some awesome accessories at Z Gallery in a fabulous green color and decided that this was the change I was needing to make- so I bought a few things- candle holders, napkin rings, and potpourri mix all in this vibrant green color. I love it!

Next Monday is my Grandma's birthday. I'm thinking about when I'm going to go up to see her.... I know we're making a trip mid October but I really want to get out there to see her now. I miss her!

Tomorrow my dad goes in for a steroid shot in his back- OUCH. The drs are hoping this will give him some much needed relief in his right leg (it's numb knee down- and now swelling is occuring in the ankle). I'm hoping it's a simple procedure and that he will be home by noon. They had an MRI sort of scan done last week and determined that his disk is degenerating and the nerve is pinched between the disks. Poor guy! He does seem to be doing better and the therapy is helping... but there is just no feeling in his leg. I had that happen when my foot falls I can only imagine what he's been going through the past month. I just want him back to normal.

Cade has started praying at night- He/We used to do it all the time and then he wouldn't say them. So I slowly getting back into the habit of saying a goodnight prayer. We pray for our family and friends/his friends and such.... the other night he said "dear God, help Grandad feel better..." It of course was said in a two-year-old voice- which is just about the sweetest thing to listen to. Hopefully our prayers will be answered.

that's all for now.... it seems like I haven't had a full night of sleep in forever... so I'm calling it a night.
