Jun 28, 2013


I can't believe I haven't updated my blog since Christmas but really that was only 6 months ago and that's not too terribly long to wait for an update, right?  Right.

Cade finished off the school year reading above grade level (end of first grade)! Woo-Hoo! Proud Mama!  I'm so glad Cade loves to read and learn....school is definitely a strength of his!  Cade is still taking piano lessons- one lesson every other week.  He's really good when he practices.... just needs more routine practice.

Summer has set in and we're enjoying our long days and late nights.  I'm hoping I can get him back to an 8 o'clock bedtime but when it's still light out at 8pm, who can sleep? We just spent 4 days in the hill country, stopping frist in Buda.  We went bowling with Stephanie and Maxie- surprisingly Cade won! I came in with a close second.  We also went up to Grandma's house.  We spent a lot of time at the park on main street. We did manage to go to the LBJ Ranch.  They have a tour that runs throughout the ranch.  It was pretty interesting to see all the items they had out and the ranch was gorgeous. We're planning on going back in July.... after you hear your grandma say, "maybe you all should just move here and Travis can work for the police department...." How could you not plan a trip back.

Travis is working nights now...sleeping days. It works out pretty well.  He's up by 3:30 and home for dinner and can tuck Cade in to bed.  This fall I will be working full time!  I can't wait to have a real paycheck again....and to finally say "bye, bye" to the Camry.  I can't wait!

We're wanting to go on a mini-vacation this summer.  I'm not sure where we'll go but we need to get to looking.  Disney is set for Thanksgiving.  We'll be off all week and that will give us time to enjoy everything. 

Well...there's mini update.  I will post some pictures tonight.


Suz and Brandon said...

YAY!! I've been waiting for this for a long time!! Hope to see you soon!