Feb 4, 2011

winter BLAST

So the BIG winter BLAST hit Houston.  What that really meant was:  Parents be prepared for one of the LONGEST days of the year.

Today we baked, cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner. We played playdough, pin the tail on the donkey, cleaned out the toy box, cleaned out our cubbies, broke off some icicles, watched Ladybird SPRING and run around crazy, we danced, colored, cut out hearts, played in the tent, played 3 games of Toy Story dominoes, put the crib in the attic (FINALLY) and sat and watched BUBBLE GUPPIES. We also ventured out to HEB, which was actually refreshing.  Ahhh, to get out in the freezing cold to roam around a semi-crowded store was just what I needed to calm my nerves!

We are really looking forward to the SUNSHINE tomorrow.

Reporting from the frozen tundra of Houston, Texas.  I love that line.