Nov 27, 2012

Decking the halls

This weekend Travis and I bought a new camera - the Nikon D-3100.  It's amazing.   Here are a few pictures from the past few days.

 Our Tree this year
Becky brought me back this ornament from Paris.

In 1984 my grandparents gave me this Santa in tiny match box.  I was told year after year to not mess with that matchbox and that one day I'd be happy that I have a perfect little Santa in a perfect little matchbox. I'm happy.

Every tree needs a pickle. 
This ornament was on my mom and dad's first Christmas tree.

2 of my favorite ornaments... they are just so cute!

Bride and Groom and a little old church... reminds me of my wedding.

I wish I would have cleaned off the dresser but it's still a neat photo

A cracker barrel find... I love their gift shop.
Little Cade- love these pictures of him.


Sep 1, 2012


We survived our first week in Kindergarten!

A quote from this week:

Travis asked Cade what's his favorite part about school?  "seeing my Mama (in carline)"

Great answer, right?!

I was a little teary eyed when we arrived at the school on Monday.  I pulled myself together and put a smile on my face and walked him in (with Travis).  We went in and found his seat and gave him more than 20 kisses and left.  I was fine when we left and I was fine after my boo-hoo breakfast with Amanda and Andrea.   It wasn't until after breakfast, when I was driving to ELP that I found myself upset that he wasn't with me (I'm pretty sure a sad song on the radio triggered these tears).   Where has time gone? 

5 years. 


Everyday we tell Cade... remember when you were little?

First Day

                        This is my "it'll be alright and if you miss me" gift from Cade.

Jul 12, 2012

summer time, fun time

Our summer can finally begin!  Cade broke his wrist the evening of May 30.  He was casted on June 1 and today he got the "all clear and everything looks perfect" from the Dr. So we are officially cast-free!

Of course "summer" always has to start off raining.... isn't that always what happens. We mostly stayed at home today- We did venture out to Trader Joe's and then came home to take the longest bath- ever.  He splashed, he soaked, he played.... I let him enjoy himself.  We've been doing 2 minute baths for the past 7 weeks and have been washing his hair while he lays on the countertop.... it's not really easy to wash a wiggly 5 year old who you think is about fall and slip in the tub while you wash him down.  I'm so glad that this is behind us now.

So we are going to take it easy for a few more weeks- no climbing, running or falling down until the stiffness is gone (a week or so) then we can slowly add things back in.  We got the go ahead to go swimming so we are planning on splashing around with Julie in the next few days.

Next week starts VBS.  Yay!  He'll be going for 3 hours each day! I'm planning on going to the gym each of those days.  I've been looking forward to this week all month!

Apr 2, 2012

it's happening

In approximately 6 weeks school will be over and Cade will no longer be a pre-k kid. He'll be a KINDERGARTNER. 


That's me crying over the fact that I will not have him with me next year.

Like most moms who read my blog, they have had the opportunity to stay at home with their babies and watch them grow up.  I've also had the privileged to watch him grow up at school. Every MTW for the past 4 years I have taken Cade to school with me. 

I remember the days of the Owl class and how he cried everyday until Christmas (luckily this was only a 1 day a week class) so really it was just crying for half a day, one day a week.  These were the days when I had to duck down when walking past his classroom door.  I'm sure you can relate, SUZ!

Then came the BlueBird Class with Miss Gina and Miss Jennifer... oh how he loved/loves them!  The days when I could actually pop in to the classroom and visit during a school event - like Fall Festival or Spring Fling.  Those were also the days when we would come in early to set up my room and he'd venture off down the hall to be in the room with his teachers instead of me... that's when I knew he loved school.

Then the Robin Class... we both loved Miss Corky, Miss Melissa and Ruby Robin...everything about their class is fun! They also gave us the Ruby Robin Greatest Hits...which is seriously the least annoying children's cd out there.  I tend to skip no.4 on the track list because I can only handle so much of "going on a bear hunt!"

Then came the day when we went to the other side of the hall to the Pre-K classes.  We were assigned to The Cardinal class (really I picked them)! We adore Miss Deb, Miss Terri and Miss Donna!  Cade counts the number of sleeps until he gets to go back to school.  He loves Miss Deb and Miss Deb loves him.  I can just tell... she laughs at his jokes and he laughs at hers.  He runs into her room each and every morning saying, "hi, Miss Deb" and he gets a "hello, Mr. Cade!"

Do you see a pattern here? 

It's LOVE.

See all the things I'm going to miss next year when he goes to public school.

I just want his teacher next year to love him as much as the teachers, my co-workers and friends do at ELP.

I don't know if it's possible to really do that in a classroom with 22, 5 year olds and one teacher. 

I just pray that he has a Godly teacher who will encourage his love of learning and provide him fun learning experiences the way ELP does.  That would be my one prayer, oh and that I will be able to let him go after the almost 5 years years of having him with me. 


Next week starts Kindergarten Round Up.  I told Cade today that I would have to sign him up and his response was- "if you don't sign me up, I don't have to go!"  I told him I liked his thinking.

I have 5 chances to sign him up.  I'm looking at April 20, so if you pray, pray that I'll go that day if not earlier. 

boooo-hoooo.  Seriously need to dry my eyes before my husband comes home and asks me if I'm sad about Cade going to Kindergarten...again!

Mar 8, 2012

Road Rally 2012

Cade's last road rally!  Only 9 more weeks of school.  I can't believe it!  Kindergarten here we come!

Feb 19, 2012

February Birthdays

  Daddy celebrated birthday- no. 68!

 Mom & Daddy- about to blow out the candles

  Cade helped spell out Happy  Birthday with the candles! He did O-K!

  Then my baby turned 5 on the 16th. 

We celebrated at Brother's Pizza!  Cade didn't want to be sung to and he didn't want to blow out his candle either.

We had a Pirate Party at home.  I really only got pictures of the food...
Homemade Cupcakes

The Oreos were a hit- as you can tell by the "drought" conditions

If you LOVE sangria- you need this recipe.
2 bottles pinot, 6 cans of Fresca and fruit (oranges, lemons, grapes, peaches (we used frozen) and strawberries!

Dipped Marshmallows with faces drawn in edible marker

white chocolate coated popcorn with sprinkles- yum!

It was a really fun party.  Everyone got an eye patch, sash/belt, a tattoo and a bandanna to wear while bouncing in the bounce house.  Then there was digging for treasure using a pirate hook (we had necklaces and rings that they had to hook).  We also had cardboard swords that were a big hit too! 
There was also a pirate ship and pirate men to play with in the front room.

We had house full.... 20 kids and each one with a parent or two!  It was fun had by all! 

Feb 2, 2012

Go Tigers

First Day of Soccer

                                                                        Practice Drill
                                           "Hey Daddy!  This is weird!"  (reversible jersey)

"point to your goal"

                                                                    Cade In action!

We aren't sure if Cade actually likes soccer but he did put forth more effort the second day out on the field.  So we'll see.  He has a 45 minute practice and a 45 minute game... and wouldn't you know that he still doesn't take a nap after all that activity. 

Go Tigers!!

Jan 5, 2012

Catch Up

Happy New Year!

We have had such a wonderful Christmas Season with friends and family.  We were all wishing it would kind of last a bit longer but we are back into our routines and already counting down the days until Spring Break!

Here is a recap of our holidays.

On Christmas Eve eve we went to church. My mom joined us for the story of Christmas, carols and communion.  Travis and I were selected to serve communion together.... I am happy to report- no spills!  We had the stadium seating section and that is a bit intimidating for a first time server (me)!

On Christmas Eve we went to Memaw's house for a few snacks and visting. She got a new cat named- Tugboat or Missy... depending on who you are talking to (Uncle T or Memaw).  I just stuck with Missy.  Cade and Missy had fun playing fetch together and I of coursed loved playing with her too!

That afternoon we went to Julia's for a bit and then headed back to my parents place for dinner.  Stephanie, Travis and Maxie came in town that afternoon.  Cindy from across the street came by and dropped off some goodies for Cade and Maxie. Surprisingly the kids were able to open their gifts from her, early- and that never happens- we've always had to wait until the 25th but for some reason the kids (and us big kids too) were able to open up those presents that night! 

We made it back to our house around 8 o'clock and that's when I made the mistake of telling Cade that Dillon (our elf on the shelf) was leaving- for good.  I had no idea that Cade loved Dillon as much as he did.  He must have cried for 30 minutes straight.  I didn't know what to do.  I even said thought to myself "well maybe he can stay in the hutch"..... but then I got smart and googled:  How to say goodbye to the elf on the shelf and found this clever letter (from written from the Elf.

The letter reads:

Dear Miller Family,
I have had so much fun being a part of your family for the last month. You guys sure have a lot of fun around here. Sorry for any messes I made along the way. Guess I got caught up in the fun too!
Tonight when you go to sleep a little Christmas magic is going to happen. I will fly back to the North Pole for the last time this year. I will make my last report to Santa before he gets on his sleigh and heads around the world to spread Christmas cheer. When you wake up tomorrow morning I will be gone and presents will be under the tree. I know there will be presents, because I have told Santa all about what good children you are. I passed on all of your messages to the big guy and I know he will do his best to find the perfect presents for you.

Lucky for us Santa will lift my magic for just a few minutes after you are done reading this letter. In those few minutes it will be okay to touch me, hug me and kiss me goodbye. When you are finished with your goodbyes just put me back where you found me and I will find my way to the North Pole tonight. Can't wait to see you next Christmas season!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thank God for Google!

Once I explained to Cade that now he could finally hold and hug Dillon, he was ok with saying goodbye.  So he held him, talked to him and gave him one last kiss and then he went to his bed and fell fast asleep. 

(I admit I was sad too- almost had tears but I held it together). =)

Christmas morning we woke up at 6:20.  Cade and I freshened up while Travis got the camera ready.  Cade had the best reaction when he walked into the front room- he said "Yes! just what I wanted".

We spent the morning opening presents and went over to my parent's house at 10 for the rest of the fun!  We stayed until late in the evening and just enjoyed family time.  We watched movies, played with all the new toys and had a delicious turkey and ham dinner.

The rest of the week we spent up in Fredericksburg with my Grandma.  She stayed in town over Christmas and my aunt and cousins went up there to be with her.  We arrived on Tuesday evening and stayed until Thursday.  We went to the Market Platz during the day and saw it all lit up at night.  We took Grandma to the Chipmunk movie and we made a trip out to see "uncle harvey" (my grandma's brother who is very ill). It was a nice visit but really sad at the same time.

When we got back home to Houston we took down the Christmas and cleaned out the closets and cabinets.  Ahhhh what a feeling to get rid of stuff!

We spent the new years at home- grilled an awesome steak and then did some fireworks with the neighbors.  I was in bed at midnight...ok really I was in bed WAY before pooper!

So there is my recap of events.  Our next BIG thing is Cade turning 5.  boo-hoo.

More on that later! I have the evening free and I have stuff I need to do!